An image of the front of Central High School, in Little Rock, 阿肯色州. The school is yellow brick with a reflecting pool and grass lawn in front. 之旅ists mill around the pond and up stairs to the doors of the school.
小石城中央高中的照片, 阿肯色州, 由Luis Sotelo制作, 多元化部门的副总裁, Doane的公平与包容. 索泰罗访问了美国的部分地区.S. 民权之路的单人公路旅行, 和Eric Jones一起, 史密斯大厅社区主任和汉森大厅临时CD, 我将和八名学生一起旅行 trail during Doane's spring break.

Liz McCue的文章

想想谁在黑人历史月期间被谈论, 埃里克·琼斯说, Smith Hall community director (CD) and interim CD for Hansen Hall. In most high school American 历史 classes, textbooks likely highlighted Rev. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.马尔科姆·艾克斯,罗莎·帕克斯.

“也许是杰基·罗宾逊,”琼斯说. “有更多的民权活动家,更多的人领导.”

Jones chairs the 多样性、公平和包容 (一些) Action Team for the Division of Student Affairs and along with Luis Sotelo, 一些部门副总裁, 我将和八名学生一起旅行 U.S. 民权之路 为Doane的2023年春假做准备.

It’s an incredible opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement, 以及这一运动是如何延续至今的, 体验新的文化和历史, 并与他们自己以外的社区建立联系.

美国.S. 民权之路 extends across much of the eastern half of the United States, 从托皮卡到华盛顿, D.C. 3月11日至18日, 学生们将参观田纳西州的主要景点, 阿肯色州, 密苏里和密西西比, serve others through volunteer work and ask questions — of themselves, 社会的, U.S. 历史.


这次旅行的种子已经埋下多年了. It’s something that Sotelo has held at the back of his mind basically since he started working at Doane. He first experienced part of the 民权之路 in high school, as a Coca-Cola Scholar visiting the company’s headquarters in Atlanta. It left an indelible mark on him, a fire of curiosity and inspiration.

澳门威尼斯人网址们拜访了Rev。. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.’s grave, and visited Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King preached. 索泰罗说,他可以想象金站在讲坛上的情景.

“读到它是一回事. 而站在原地则是另一回事。.

这段经历一直困扰着他. Fast forward to winter break of 2021, to a solo road trip Sotelo took along the trail. How cool would it be, he thought, if this experience could be shared with others at Doane?

花了一些时间. But all the pieces for a Doane trip fell into place for spring break 2023.

“It feels like a gift all tied up in a bow that we get to give to students and by extension to our whole [Doane] community,利亚·切赫说, 宗教和精神生活办公室主任.

切赫 applied in summer 2022 for the Building 跨信仰美国 grant, through 跨信仰美国. A trip along the 民权之路 was one of the suggested projects for the grant, and Doane’s biannual alternative breaks fit right in with the grant’s goals of building interfaith community.


下雨天洛林汽车旅馆的标志, which has a rectangular turquoise frame topped with a stylized red neon arrow. The text for Lorraine is in a cursive script inside a yellow field underneath the arrow, with "motel" underneath still in red block letters inside white circles. 字母下面的一块牌子上写着“我有一个梦想——马丁·路德·金。."
这是路易斯·索特罗拍摄的照片, 一些部门副总裁, 孟菲斯洛林汽车旅馆的标志. 旅馆是雷夫被暗杀的地点. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.现在是国家民权博物馆的所在地.

选择休息, which focus on service learning through trips to different cities across the U.S.自2016年起,每年秋季和春季学期举办一次. 这些旅行是由职业领导办公室领导的 & Service, but a student site leader coordinates nearly every activity and volunteer opportunity. 2022-23学年的两次旅行, 这是Abrianna Miller, 23岁, a psychology and Spanish double-major and editor-in-chief of Doane Student Media.

她把计划这次旅行比作编写课程. 和索泰罗一起, 切赫, 琼斯和尼克·克诺皮克, 领导及服务部助理处长, they plotted out each day with visits to museums and memorials, 历史遗迹和志愿者工作.

访问团将参观位于圣路易斯市的旧法院. Louis; the National Civil Rights Museum, Claybourne寺庙, Beale Street Historic District and Stax Museum of American Soul Music in Memphis; the Emmett Till Interpretive Center and Tallahatchie County Courthouse in Sumner; the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum and Medgar Evers 首页 Museum 在杰克逊; Central High School and the L.C. 以及小石城的黛西·贝茨博物馆.

“I’m really excited for students to really immerse themselves not only in the culture, 但是在社区里,琼斯说.

It was also important to Miller to bring the volunteer experiences into the wider conversation about civil rights and faith.

例如, 在杰克逊, they’ll volunteer with the PEARSON Foundation — the acronym stands for People Employing Available 资源 to Strengthen Our Neighborhood — which offers in-school and after-school mentoring and tutoring, 以及基于信仰的社区指导, 在其他外展项目中, 奖学金和活动. 在小石城,这群人将成为庆祝活动的志愿者! 玛雅项目, which promotes the life and legacy of Maya Angelou through public forums, 写作, 诗歌与历史工作坊, 创意艺术工作坊.

“我认为这将允许一种不同的对话. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this right,” Miller said.


Throughout the trip, there’s also time built in for participants to reflect and process. 参观完网站后, 这群人将聚在一起讨论, 谈论他们的所见所闻. 也许,它与他们自以为知道的有什么不同.

“我希望他们不要害怕问问题,”琼斯说. “这是他们不了解的一些历史. What’s taught in books and in school curriculum, it’s very stale, it’s not broadened.”

The group itself is diverse — a good mix of lived experiences, Sotelo said. He and Jones have both previously traveled along parts of the 民权之路. Some students attending the trip are from the south; some have never been further south than the border of Nebraska and Kansas.

作为一个黑人, 琼斯表示有机会分享自己的经历, and to lead and mentor students as they learn and grow on the trip, 他有什么值得感谢的吗. He expressed interest in going when the trip was first mentioned to staff of the Division of Student Affairs in the fall.

“This is a starting point for our students to see that Doane is pushing that envelope forward in 一些,他说.

There’s also been interest from throughout the Doane community in the trip from faculty and staff, 校友及受托人. Although plans are fluid, readers can likely follow along on and Doane’s social media to view stories and photos from students, 琼斯和索特洛在整个旅途中.

美国.S. 民权之路也有一个 互动行程计划 这是一个很好的开始, 琼斯说, for members of the Doane community interested in building their own trip. 找出你最感兴趣的网站, do some re搜索 about each location and check your own biases and generalizations, 他说.

And bring the desire to learn and grow as a human being, Sotelo added.